Valentine Deregnaucourt 

Registered Massage Therapist


Val grew up in France where she started her medical studies before moving and settling in Calgary. She graduated with a BSc in Kinesiology from the University of Lethbridge. As well, she obtained her CSEP, Certified Personal Trainer, certification and worked as a personal trainer and kinesiologist. Always passionate by the human body and optimum health, it made sense to her to further her skills with a Massage Therapy diploma that she obtained from CITCM.

Val emphasizes the importance of continuing education and evidence-based approach to preventive medicine and rehabilitation. Val combines her knowledge and medical background to provide the best treatments and experiences to her patients. She combines western and eastern techniques into a relaxing therapeutic treatment. Val bases her treatment style in hands-on treatment with active release and trigger point therapy. She also integrates modalities such as cupping and IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization) to further help the muscle and fascia to release.

Outside of work, you can find Valentine studying towards her diploma of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine or spending quality outdoor time with her two dogs, Lola and Moe.

Valentine Deregnaucourt 
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